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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jan 30, 2010

Raymond Guitierez Georgina is Best for Richard

RICHARD AND RAYMOND Gutierrez turned 26 on January 21 and were grilled in the Intriga Crossfire segment of "Showbiz Central" last Sunday. Which of Chard's past girlfriends did Raymond like and didn't like?

I respect all the girls who got close to Richard as I became close naman to them," says Raymond. "But I have to say he was at his best when he was with Georgina (Wilson.) One girl I didn't have the chance to be close to was Jewel (Mische). But if there's an opportunity in the future to know her better, why not?"
Has he ever felt insecure about Chard's success? "No, I'm very supportive from day one. There's no room for insecurity as I never want to do what he does (acting). Wish ko for him is to relax more kasi he's so busy all the time."

Do they have the same qualities? "Mas responsible daw si Richard. Big revelation, di ba? Richard's work ethic is really something. Grabe talaga ang dedication niya. Di pa tapos ang isang project, pinaplano na ang next. With me, I'm not updated sa showbiz, then isasalang ako rito and get briefed. Siya, more focused talaga."
"I admire Raymond's being outspoken," says Chard. "Pag ayaw niya, ayaw niya. Pag gusto niya, he says it. Mas reserved ako. Siya naman, mas up front."

Does he plan to reconcile with Georgina? "It's not easy to jump into decisions like that. It takes time. Now that we're friends again, tingnan natin. But Raymond is really Georgina's best friend, so let's see."

As a surprise, Georgina appears on stage to greet them both in person. "This is the first time I come out on TV", she says, looking really stunning.
Later on, their nieces Lorin and Venice also appeared to greet their uncles. Mom Annabelle Rama greeted them on video and told Raymond to be more careful with his earnings as he just spends them all on traveling.