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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jan 30, 2010

Krista Ranilio is not perfect

SUZETTE RANILLO, Krista's aunt, allowed "Startalk" to interview her last Saturday. On Sunday, she was also interviewed briefly on "Showbiz Central" while accompanying her niece Krista on her way back to L.A. She feeels sad that their family "has been tried by bad publicity. The whole thing has been blown out of proportion by everyone." She praised Manny Pacquiao to high heavens. "Alam nyo, ang nai-contribute ni Manny sa ating bansa, mahirap na o hindi na mapapantayan ng kahit sinong Pilipino."

She has a message for Gina Alajar who alleged that Krista had an affair with her then husband Michael de Mesa. "Kung anuman ang naging marital issues mo, sana huwag kang mag-fault find lalung-lalo na kay Krista. You know in your heart what's the real reason kung bakit nagkaganyan ang marriage nyo. I pray that sana, you can rise above these trials of yours just like anyone else. We can all rise above our trials, so we can be an amazing witness to God's grace."

She was accused of removing Bianca King's belongings from Krista's tent while shooting the flop "Wapakman". "Kay Bianca, pasensiya ka na kung may mga naglabas ng gamit mo sa tent. But I just want to let you know, once and for all, hindi ako ang naglabas ng mga gamit mo. So, whatever reason that you got offended, pasensiya na lang. That's part of showbiz. But, just like what I've said, I did not take your things out of the tent. If people said that I did, that's pure hearsay. So, alamin muna natin kung ano ang totoo."

She defends Krista. "My family is not perfect. But one thing I can say, Krista is not a bad person. She may not be perfect but she's not a bad person. As a matter of fact, she's a very loving person. She's a very giving person. And I'm proud of my family, I'm proud of Krista. Well, no matter what, in spite of everything, our love for you, Krista, is unconditional. And it will always be that way, always be the same."

As Krista's number one defender, Suzette should now be called the Pambansang Auntie. Reporters tried to interview Gina Alajar but she's in Hongkong for the showing of "Dukot", which won best picture, best actor (Allen Dizon), best director (Joel Lamangan) and best story from Gawad Tanglaw, a group of teachers. For sure, Gina will answer the things Suzette said about her when she gets home.