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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 17, 2014

Now Is The Time For All Nora Aunor Fans To Show True Support To Their Idol

NORA AUNOR fans who supported and fought for her whole heartedly to be a National Artist will now have their chance to show how much they really love her by actually going to the theatres when the many movies she has completed will be shown one right after the other.

This August 1, her “Hustisya”, written by Ricky Lee and directed by Joel Lamangan, opens in the Cinemalaya indie filmfest that will be shown at the CCP and Ayala Mall Cinemas. Last year, Gov. Vilma Santos was the Cinemalaya top notcher at the box office. Let’s see Noranians do that now for Ate Guy’s entry.

August 13, “Mga Kuwentong Barbero”, written and directed by Jun Lana and which has won awards in festivals abroad, will open in theaters. It’s Eugene Domingo who plays the lead role here, but Ate Guy has a special participation. End of September, the movie she did with new director Perci Intalan and shot on location in Batanes, “Dementia”, will be shown. And in October, the movie she did with Adolf Alix, “Silbato (Whistleblower)”, is also scheduled to be released. After that, her “Padre de Pamilya” with Coco Martin will be released.

So, Noranians, now is the time for all of you to hold hands and show your full support to your idol by trooping to theatres nationwide together. Let this be a real show of force to show your clout. If Ate Guy’s movies would flop, then President Noynoy will not listen to you at all and just continue to ignore you. And when they start showing on TV5 her new show, ‘Trenderas’, be sure to watch it also all the time to make it a top rater in the ratings.