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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 22, 2014

Eat Bulaga's Super Sireyna Worlwide Is A World Class Beauty Pageant Presentation

CONGRATULATIONS to “Eat Bulaga” for their very successful “Super SiReyna Worldwide” recent finals. They really had amazing Sireyna candidates in Isabela Santiago of Venezuela, Susi Villa of Ecuador, Laeticia Paten of India, Jessica Spi­rit of Germany, Lily Leiwilaichalerm of Thailand, Annabel Yu of Japan, Iris Sahhara Henson of Nigeria and our own candidate, Trixie Maristela. The whole presentation was expertly staged, real world class. Local beauty pageants should have seen it so they can use it as a model or example in the way pageants should be fabulously mounted on TV. Paolo Ballesteros and the hunky Los Viajeros also had their own spectacular musical numbers. The judges include 1973 Miss Universe Margie Moran, EB host Isabelle Daza’s longtime boyfriend Adrien Semblat (who’s an Adidas executive), My Foreignoy winner Gui Adorno, Resorts World exec Colin Kerr and US Consul Will Hope.

The winner is Miss Nigeria who got $10,000 no less and who turned out to be taking up her Ph D in London. She also won as best in talent. She was first runnerup in “miss International Queen 2011, the title won by our own transgender Kevin Balot in 2012.

First runner up in Super SiReyna Worldwide is Miss Philippines, with Miss Venezuela as 2nd runner up (also best in national costume), and Miss Thailand was named best in long gown.

Super SiReyna Worldwide was shown simultaneously with the Ganda Babae finals of “Showtime” featuring real women and not transgenders. The consensus is that the winners in Super SiReyna are more impressive (not only in looks but even in their being more articulate) than the real women in Ganda Babae. Even the way the pageants were conducted, that of “Eat Bulaga” had greater production values and more class.