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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 20, 2014

Bela Padilla On Snubbing Louise De Los Reyes Because Of Cousin Kylie Padilla

BELA PADILLA couldn’t believe it when her name was called as best supporting actress for her role as a journalist in “10,000 Hours” at the recent FAMAS Awards.

“I wasn’t expecting to win kasi ang bibigat ng co-nominees ko, Angel Aquino, Cherie Gil, Coney Reyes, Aiza Seguerra and Gloria Sevilla,” she says. “I really thought Angel would win kasi nanalo na siya sa ibang award-giving bodies. Also, I was so concentrated on the fact that I had to return to the taping of ‘Sa Puso ni Dok’ with Dennis Trillo. I’m supposed to do 13 more sequences including scenes with rain effect. I just went to the awards night to act as presenter in some special awards. So my heart literally jumped when I heard my name being called as the winner. As in, ako ba talaga? It’s really a pleasant surprise and a great honor.”

Other awardees from the Kapuso Network are Pen Medina of “My BFF” as best supporting actor and German Moreno Youth Achievement Award recipients Ken Chan, Hiro Peralta and Janine Gutierrez.

Bela was a recent guest in “Celebrity Bluff” and among the other guests was Louise de los Reyes. Bela reportedly ignored Louise the whole time they were in the show even if Louise was willing to greet her. This is because she’s siding with her cousin Kylie Padilla and she believes Louise really made a deliberate attempt to snatch Aljur Abrenica away from Kylie. But Bela quickly denies this and she said she talked to Louise and even asked her P.A. to look after the things of Louise left in the dressing room while they were in the studio taping.