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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 14, 2014

A New Show That Delves Into The Existence Of Ancient Aliens In Our Planet

DO YOU BELIEVE that aliens once visited our planet? GMA News TV soon airs the series that explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years, “Ancient Aliens”. First aired on the History Channel, “Ancient Aliens” examines 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth – from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day US. Ancient cave drawings of strange creatures, an asphalt-like substance in an Egyptian pyramid made from the remains of unidentified creatures, continued mass sightings in the USA – these are just a few of the strange stories that will be investigated.

If ancient aliens did visit Earth, who were they and where did they come from? The first episode of this series delves into these questions, examining possible historic evidence and beliefs from around the world. The Dogon people possess knowledge of a galaxy they claim was given to them by a star god named Amma. The Hopi and Zuni people celebrate Kachinas, gods from the sky, whose headdresses and costumes appear to resemble modern helmets and protective clothing. Halfway around the world, Chinese legends tell of the Han leader, Huangdi, arriving on Earth on a flying, yellow dragon. Was this dragon more likely a spacecraft?

Ancient astronaut theorists believe that these are far from chance encounters and that extraterrestrials not only interacted with us, but changed the course of human history. Narrated and dubbed in Filipino, “Ancient Aliens” airs starting this Sunday, July 20, 10PM, on GMA News TV Channel 11.