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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jun 27, 2014

Maegan Aguilar Shocks Host Edu Manzano When She Suddenly Walks Out At The Taping Of 'Face The People'

THE SALES AND MARKETING Dept. of TV5 now plays an important role as to what shows they will air. If they feel that a new show will be difficult to sell to advertisers, then it will not get the go signal. As of now, they’re concentrating more on sports and entertainment, which is why Willie Revillame’s show is coming back. No more sudsy dramas as the two other networks already offer a lot of it. Two shows that will continue airing are the showbiz magazine show, “Showbiz Police”, and the talk-reality show, “Face the People”.

There will be a big change in “Face the People”. Tintin Bersola will no longer be the co-host of Gelli de Belen. Instead, they chose a male co-host for Gelli and it’s Edu Manzano. This is to give the show a well balanced point of view when they’re discussing different topics or issues, not only coming from that of a female but also a male co-host. Edu is such a good and witty host so we’re sure he’ll help attract more viewers and advertisers for “Face the People”.

Incidentally, at the most recent taping of “Face the People”, everyone was surprised when their guest, Maegan Aguilar, suddenly walked out. It turned out that she didn’t like the question of writers Pete Ampoloquio and Peter Ledesma about her reconciling with her estranged dad Freddie. She requested TV5 to send them away or she won’t return, and her request was granted.