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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 29, 2014

Condolences To Wowie De Guzman For Untimely Demise Of Wife Sheryl Ann Reyes

CONDOLENCES TO Wowie de Guzman, former ka-love team of Judy Ann Santos during their teens (they made 12 movies together) and leader of the then popular Universal Motion Dancers. His wife, Sheryl Ann Reyes, (they were married last year) passed away last Saturday, leaving their barely one-month old son, Alex.

Wowie, who’ll be 38 on September 22, said his late wife suffered from high blood pressure during her pregnancy so she’s being monitored for this even after she gave birth. He said she wasn’t feeling well that Saturday night and took an analgesic so she’d feel better. But she suddenly lost consciousness so Wowie rushed her to the hospital. They tried to revive her for three hours, but to no avail. Her remains are now lying in state in their home in Lubao, Pampanga. Let’s pray for the repose of her soul.