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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Dec 12, 2013

Raymond Gutierrez Interviews Justin Bieber In Tacloban, To Be Shown Later As A TV Special

RAYMOND GUTIERREZ feels lucky that he was the one assigned by TV5 to interview Justin Bieber when the latter visited Tacloban to help the victims there of Typhoon Yolanda where he also had an impromptu mini-concert and even played basketball with natives in a makeshift court. Raymond went there via Cebu then took the ferry to Ormoc and the two-hour land trip to Tacloban. His interview will be shown in “Showbiz Police” on Saturday and later on, TV5, the media partner for Bieber’s visit here, will show a TV special on his Tacloban trip on December 21.

The 19-year-old international singer arrived in Manila on Tuesday morning, December 10, on board a private plane that landed at NAIA Terminal 2. Through a video he released on the net, Justin encouraged his fans to donate for the victims of Yolanda and, in exchange, he’ll give them the privilege to watch him record his upcoming album. “The moment I heard about the tragedy a few weeks back, I know I can count on you guys to make a difference. So I’m asking you guys to help me, help them. Check prizeo.com/justin," he said. “As you give back, I’m doing something I’ve never done before. I’m bringing that winner to come with me at the studio next year. I want you guys come and help me in the studio to give me some ideas. I’ll raise money and you’ll come to the studio with me. So please, please help me, help them.”

It’s said they’ve already raised $600,000 plus and their target is $1 million. How really nice of Justin, no?