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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Nov 9, 2012

Ruffa Gutierrez Launches The Careers Of Her Daughters As Fashion Designers Of Kiddie Apparel

RUFFA GUTIERREZ is teaching daughters Lorin, 9, and Venice, 8, to learn the value of work and earning your own money. Last summer, the girls took fashion courses at School of Fashion and the Arts and Fashion Institute of the Philippines. Now, they’ve designed their own ready to wear kiddie dresses in festively colored silk, taffeta and organza for girls aged 1 to 9 as part of Rajo Laurel’s LoVe (from Lorin and Venice) Collection. They made 5 designs each, named after their favorite classmates. This is a limited edition for the holidays, with only 250 dresses made for each design. But there are so many advanced orders it’s almost sold out when it’s yet to be formally launched today at the House of Laurel at Rockwell Makati, with two shows at 10 AM and 3 PM.

“50-50 ang share namin ni Rajo sa investment dito and I think we can recover our capital quickly sa dami ng orders,” says Ruffa. “Wala kasing nagde-design ng children’s collection, e may demand pala. So this is just the start.”

At the presscon, Ruffa herself and her mom, Annabelle Rama, were amazed at how articulate the two girls are in answering questions from the press. Annabelle even cried when the girls were asked if they’d help their lola campaign as representative in Cebu.

“Of course,” says Venice. “She’s the best lola ever. When we want something, she’ll give us everything. She’s really helping a lot of poor people in Cebu.”

Their mom Ruffa plays the evil Queen Valeriana in TV5’s “Enchanted Garden”. What can they say about her performance? “It shows that she’s really a good actress because she’s so convincing playing an evil character when she’s not at all like that in real life as she’s actually sweet, kind and a really very good mom. We love her show.”