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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 15, 2012

What's Next For Alden Richards After Recent Hit Soap?

SO WHAT’S NEXT for Alden Richards after “One True Love”? Simon Ferrer of GMA Artist Center says they have lots of plans for Alden, who’s definitely one of their hottest stars at the moment.

“He’s doing a new commercial, Head & Shoulders, with Louise de los Reyes,” says Simon. “He’s now also preparing for the taping of ‘Indio’ with Bong Revilla. He’s taking arnis lessons as his role requires it. He’ll also be a recording star with Universal Records. They’re now choosing songs na babagay sa voice niya. He’s also in two GMA Films entries sa Metro-Manila Filmfest, ‘Si Enteng, si Agimat and Me’ and ‘Sosy Problems’ where he’ll be with Bianca King.”

Simon is very happy that they also got new endorsements for the Aljur Abrenica-Kris Bernal love team. “Lumalabas na yung commercial nila ng Head & Shoulders. Marami pang inquiries, also for the Alden-Louise love team.”