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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 21, 2011

Isabel Oli denies relationship with James Yap

ISABEL OLI was the special guest of Raymond Gutierrez in “Showbiz Central”. In the teaser plugs, you’d think she’d finally admit that yes, she’s on with James Yap as the grapevine claims, but what she actually declared is: “James and I are friends. Matagal na. We were introduced by common friends. But we’re not even dating. Ewan ko kung bakit di mamatay ang issue between us.” Maybe it’s because no less than Baby James confirmed that she’s his dad’s girlfriend? “I haven’t met Baby James but siempre, kilala ko siya and I was really surpised. Hindi ko alam kung bakit niya nasabi yon.” Raymond says the rumor is that they’ve actually been on for five months now. “Hindi. Hindi talaga totoo. Ni hindi niya ko nililigawan. Sana naman, with this, matuldukan na, kasi sa Twitter, masyado ng personal ang attacks sa’kin. For me, okay lang, but with my family, silang nasasaktan.”

Isabel was absent on TV for a while, but she did the Studio 5 film “Rosario”. Now, she back’s with GMA and just signed a 3-year exclusive contract with them. Her first project is the new “Captain Barbell”. “I’m so happy to be reunited with Richard Gutierrez as he’s really my first leading man in ‘Sugo’. Masaya kami lahat sa set.” So how is her dad who’s afflicted with cerebellar degeneration that affects the functions of the brain? “It’s a rare disease. Doctors say there’s no cure, but he’s stable now and he’s here nga with me.”