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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 23, 2011

Alice Dixson vs. Bing Loyzaga

IS IT TRUE Alice Dixson as Anastacia and Bing Loyzaga as Katarina got on each other’s nerves after doing a very physical scene in “Babaeng Hampaslupa” where their slaps against each other became too real for comfort? “Totoong nagsampalan sila ng totohanan pero hindi naman sila nagkapikunan,” says Jay Manalo as Charles, the man they’re fighting over. “I was there. Nag-uusap pa naman sila after the scene was shot.”

What Director Eric Quizon wanted them to do is to fall inside a fountain while they’re pulling each other’s hair. But both Alice and Bing didn’t want to get wet as it was cold that night, so they said they’ll just slap each other and make it real. They just got what they wanted. The show is attracting more viewers now that the conflict between the See Family headed by Susan Roces as Helena and the Wong Family headed by Eddie Garcia as Edward (after Freddie Webb as George got shot) gets more intense.