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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Nov 10, 2010

Glaiza de Castro will remake Aswang

GLAIZA DE CASTRO couldn’t believe it when her manager, Manny Valera, told her she has been chosen by Mother Lily to play the Alma Moreno role in “Aswang”, a hit horror flick directed by Peque Gallaga in the 80s. “Para ring when I was told I’d be ‘Grazilda’, hindi rin ako makapaniwala,” she says. “I’m really grateful kay Lord sa dami ng blessings na sunod-sunod na dumarating sa akin. Sana magtuloy-tuloy.”

Glaiza faces a new enemy in “Grazilda”: the evil fairy godmother Fabiola played with relish by Sheryl Cruz, foil to the good godmother, Jolina Magdangal, who just turned 32 and is now content to play supporting roles. Fabiola’s mission is to rule Fantasia so she kills its king and queen (Jimwell Stevens and Rochelle Barrameda) plus Anatalia (Djanin Cruz), Glaiza’s sister. Glaiza also faces competition in her lovelife as Yasmien Kurdi proclaims that he and Eric (Geoff Eigenmann) are officially engaged. Glaiza reveals Yasmien is only after Eric’s money but Eric won’t believe her. Grazilda returns to Fantasia to face Fabiola in a showdown.