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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 7, 2010

Richard Gutierrez in Survivor 3?

GMA-7 IS offering Richard Gutierrez to be the host of "Survivor 3" now that Paolo Bediones has moved to TV 5. "I really want to host 'Survivor' as I love adventure, but it means I will be out of the country for two months so I'll have to sacrifice a lot and my other schedules will be affected," he says. "Sana maremedyuhan para maiwasan ang conflicts sa skeds ko kasi I have to start 'Captain Barbell' right away after 'Full House'. Sana magawan ng paraan."

Is it true he'd be paired with ex-GF Georgina Wilson in "Captain Barbell"? "Pinag-uusapan pa. Georgina is not yet sure with her decision to try acting. It's really up to her if she'd want to join showbiz or not. But it's not true na kami na ulit. We're okay as friends. Ganun na lang muna."

He feels great now that "Full House" is rating very high even if it's pitted against Judy Ann Santos' new show. "The show has gained a lot of momentum lalo ngayong nagkakamabutihan na kami ni Heart Evangelista in the story, kaya mas lalong dumami ang nanonood nito," he beams.