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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 3, 2010

PJ Valerio wooing Queenie Padilla

TEEN STAR PJ Valerio has a contract with Viva but he's now more active in theatre. After doing musicals like "Altar Boys", "First Name" and "The Fantasticks", he's back with Rep's new musical, "Romeo and Bernadette", as Romeo, a character from Shakespeare's classic romance who comes alive in New York 500 years later. PJ is linked to Robin Padilla's daughter, Queenie. He admits he's been seriously wooing her for 9 months now.

"Okay lang kahit matagal," he says. "I'm patient and willing to wait. We hang out to eat, watch movies with her cousins, pero hindi pa niya ko officially sinasagot ng yes. Nakapunta na ko sa bahay nila but I haven't seen Sir Robin yet. I'd welcome the chance to meet him. I'm not afraid kasi wala naman akong ginagawang masama. I want to tell him I'm honest and sincere in my intentions with his daughter. I think Queenie is also waiting for a blessing from her dad bago ako sagutin."

But Queenie is Muslim like her dad and he's a Christian. "Yes, but we all believe in only one God so, for me it's not an issue or a hindrance. I really want to invite Queenie and Sir Robin to watch 'Romeo and Bernadette' that will be shown on Onstage Greenbelt 1 from February 5 to 28. I'm sure they'll enjoy it as this is one of my best plays so far and I'm working with Cris Villonco."

So how's it working with Armida Siguion Reyna's granddaughter? "Very challenging kasi magaling siya. When I make mistakes, like I forget my lines, she'd say 'Hay naku, PJ!', so I try my best not to make booboos."

PJ is managed by People's Journal columnist Joey Aquino. "I really wish I'd get more projects on TV and the movies, but theater is a good training ground and I like the discipline so enjoy rin ako rito. I'm hoping I'll bag the lead role in 'Equus'. It'll require me to go naked but okay lang. After, all Daniel Radcliffe of 'Harry Potter' did it on stage. It'll be another challenge for me. Kung kaya niya, kaya ko rin."