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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Feb 4, 2010

Janice De Belen misses debut of daughter Inah

WHY WAS JANICE DE BELEN absent at the recent debut at Wack Wack Club of her eldest daughter Inah, financed by her ex-hubby John Estrada? "Ang pagiging magulang, di naman sa isang gabi lang," she explained in "Showbiz Central" last Sunday. "I would have gone there kung sure akong walang TV coverage.It's Inah's birthday and I don't want to take the spotlight away from her. Nandun naman ang mommy ko and our other relatives. Nag-usap kami ni Inah and she understands me. We already had a celebration on the night mismo of her birthday. We had dinner together. Nandun din ako nang ayusan siya before the party. Whatever transpired between Inah and her father, wala na akong pakialam doon."

Did she and John talk about it? "No, hindi naman kami nag-uusap, e."