The other one is also in danger of suffering the same fate so to prevent this. the dad gets a pillow and smothers the girl’s face till she’s dead. This is a pretty compelling opening sequence that is never again duplicated in the rest of the movie. Three months later, we see a new character, Megan, played by Shay Mitchell, who just came to Manila to promote her Netflix show, “You”.

This pivotal premise is probably promising on paper but the way it’s executed on screen by Dutch director Diederik Van Rooijen is just so tedious. The first unexplained thing is why the devil waits for so long before confronting Megan, who’s been told by the dead girl’s father that the best way to get rid of his daughter is by toasting her in the morgue’s incinerator.

showdown and it’s easy to guess who finally gets fried and barbecued. Well, come to think of it, if the devil made Megan the first victim, then we would have no movie at all. The entire movie is set inside the hospital, with most of the action happening inside the morgue. They really scrimped on the budget when it comes to location.
The movie is derivative of many genre tropes and is actually reminiscent of similar horror flicks with confined sets, like “The Autopsy of Jane Doe”, “Devil” and “Killing Room”. But this one is just too cumbersome to watch and doesn’t offer any real good scares. You just do a lot of waiting for something to happen and when something finally does, it’s a helpless burst of considerable preposterousness.
#ThePossessionOfHannahGrace #ShayMitchell