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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jun 2, 2015

Judy Ann Santos & Ryan Agoncillo: Are They Or Aren't They Having Another Baby?

THERE ARE speculations that Judy Ann Santos is pregnant with their second biological child after Lucho after she and Ryan begged off to join the “Eat Bulaga” troup going to Hongkong this weekend. As of now, both she and Ryan would not confirm or deny it. It will be recalled that this also happened when she got preggy with Lucho. They waited for the full confirmation of their obstetrician before they formally announced that yes, they’re infanticipating. Well, that’s their prerogative. Let’s just pray that if Juday is indeed preggers, the baby would be healthy and strong and we’re sure they’ll prefer to have a baby girl this time. About the Hongkong trip of the whole Eat Bulaga dabarkads, there’s also a loud whisper that Vic Sotto and Pauleen Luna will tie the knot while they are there. But both of them will not confirm or deny, not also their friends, even Joey de Leon who’s very close to Vic and just says he’s not ready to be a ninong to their wedding yet.