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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 20, 2015

TV5 The Happy Network Treats Sick Kids Of Kythe Foundation To A Movie Date

TV5 IS known as the Happy Network, so it’s not surprising that they will give a special treat to the wards of Kythe Foundation, children afflicted with different kinds of chronic illnesses. To cheer them up and keep their mind off their problematic health condition even for just a short while, TV5 took them to the 3D block screening of the hit superhero movie, “Avengers. Age of Ultron”, with snacks to boots. The kids obviously enjoyed the movie as they all stepped out of the movie theater with the biggest smiles on their faces while recalling their favorite scenes in the movie and the ultimate experience of seeing the edge-of-your-seat action in vivid 3D.

Most of the kids admitted that it was their first time to step into a movie house as most of them come from distant provinces in the Visayas and Mindanao and were just brought to Manila (and housed in a government hospital) for their continuous chemotherapy and other laboratory treatments. Notably, all of them said that it was their first time to watch a movie in 3D and they cannot get over their excitement of how amusing and memorable the experience had been. And that is happiness in its purest and most heart-swelling form. Thanks to TV5 for making these children happy and entertained.