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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 9, 2015

Rescue 5, TV5's Acclaimed Emergency Response Unit Gets A New Ambulance From Foton Philippines So They Can Help More People

TV5’s ACCLAIMED and much awarded emergency response unit, Rescue 5, partners with top commercial vehicle brand, Foton Philippines, who has generously donated a brand-new Foton ambulance. The fully-equipped and full-frontline ambulance from Foton will allow the entire Rescue5 team to serve more Filipinos from all walks of life, giving the proper aid and immediate assistance needed in times of emergencies and other related situations.

Leading the turnover of the Rescue5 ambulance from Foton Philippines were News5 Head Luchi Cruz-Valdes, Rescue5’s Paolo Bediones, TV5 President and CEO Noel Lorenzana, Foton Philippines President and CEO Rommel Sytin, and Foton International Executive GM for PV Operations Robert Zhang.
TV5 Pres. Lorenzana says: “The partnership between TV5 and Foton actually started with their support in the PBA tournaments. In fact, it is a very pleasant surprise that they donated this ambulance to Rescue5, which is really a recognition and sign of respect they have for Rescue5 – on how it has become a really big force in helping people, especially in times of emergencies. This partnership only further strengthens News5 and Rescue5’s motto, “Higit sa Balita, Aksyon”, because in the end, this is really in the service for everybody, especially for people in need.”

Rescue5 can be reached via its hotline (02) 922-51-55, Twitter account: @RESCUE5PH, and Facebook page: www.facebook.com/RESCUE5PH.