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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 9, 2015

It's Mother's Day But Annabelle Rama Remains To Be In Conflict With Only Daughter Ruffa Gutierrez

HOW SAD that it’s Mother’s Day today and yet Annabelle Rama continues to have a gap with only daughter Ruffa Gutierrez. It’s common knowledge that she does not approve of Ruffa’s current BF, Jordan Mouyal. She’s very open about her feelings on social media. When Ruffa was a guest recently in Ryzza Mae’s show, Annabelle twitted: Napaka plastic mo. Bakit ayaw mong ilabas ang totoo mong ugali! Pag nasa TV ka, akala mo virgin. ’Wag kang umasa na babatiin kita. You say you missed me? Bullshit! Asikasuhin mo na lang ’yung alaga mong aso, as in asungot.”

As of now, Annabelle is busy with the coming 2nd birthday party of her grandson, Zion, which will be held in Dasma Club on Sunday, May 17. Zion’s parents, Richard Gutierrez and Sarah Lahbati, are coming home today from watching the Pacquiao fight in Las Vegas.

Next month, Annabelle will be busy with the wedding of son Elvis and partner Alexa, whose daughter Aria is turning out to be such a pretty girl. The wedding will be shown in the third season of “It Takes Gutz to be a Gutierrez” that will start airing on E! channel in the third week of July. Another project she’ll be busy with is “KisPinoy”, a reality search produced by Korean producers with Richard Gutierrez as host to be aired on TV5 soon.