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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 8, 2015

Derek Ramsay Introduces His Mystery Girl & Offers More Daring Stunts In New Season Of 'Extreme Series: Kaya Mo Ba To?'

DEREK RAMSAY is definitely “walang takot” when he does the dangerous stunts he displays in “Extreme Series: Kaya Mo Ba ‘To?” “It gives me great adrenalin rush to do these daring stunts,” he says. “I make sure naman there are safety measures I take before I do them at, siempre, insured ako.”

The show is now extended on its second season and will now be seen tonight at 9 PM, to further strengthen TV5’s weekend programming. Rumor has it that there’s a new girl who holds the heart of Derek these days. Who can she be? Find out when Derek performs another death-defying act this Saturday to impress her. Derek will cross a 100-ft high mobile crane with almost no safety gear other than a simple rope.

At the end of the trusses, he has to rappel and go to the hook of the mobile crane. Will Derek be able to do all these just to score some points for his mystery girl? Find out the identity of the ultimate leading man’s leading lady in the all-new season of "Extreme Series: Kaya Mo Ba ‘To?" now on Saturdays at 9:00PM on TV5.