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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 2, 2015

Angelika De La Cruz The Third GMA Actress To Get Pregnancy While Taping A Soap, Hoping For A Baby Girl This Time

AFTER MARIAN RIVERA getting preggy while taping “The Rich Man’s Daughter” and Empress Schuck while doing “Kailan Ba Tama ang Mali” that will end this coming week, it’s the turn of Angelika de la Cruz to announce that she also just found out she got pregnant while doing “Healing Hearts”, which will replace “Kailan Ba Tama” on May 11.

“This is an answered prayer kasi matagal na naming pinagpe-pray ng husband kong si Orion na masundan na yung panganay naming si Gabby, who’s now 6 years old,” she says. “Hindi naman ako mahirap magbuntis so I don’t think my pregnancy will negatively affect my work in ‘Healing Hearts’. Tuloy-tuloy lang ang trabaho ko. Two months na ang pregnancy ko and it’s different from my first one kasi lumaki agad ang tiyan ko. Sa panganay ko, four months na muna bago lumaki ang tiyan ko. But this one, halata na agad gayong sa November pa ang kabuwanan ko. My husband and I are hoping and praying na sana, babae naman ang maging baby namin this time kasi nga, may boy na kami. Pero siempre, boy or girl man ang ibigay sa amin, mas importante lang na maging normal and healthy baby siya.”

She plays another villain role in “Healing Hearts”. “Inagaw ko rito si Neil Ryan Sese from his wife, si Mickey Ferriols, na naghiganti at pinatay siya. Nang mabilanggo si Mickey, pinanakaw ko yung baby nila, who grows up as Joyce Ching na naging isang katulong na inaapi-api ko.”