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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 19, 2014

Jasmine Curtis Smith's 'Jasmine' Attracts More Viewers With Robin Padilla In It

JASMINE CURTIS SMITH’s self-titled mystery drama attracts more viewers each Sunday now that Robin Padilla is in it and while the unidentified stalker known only as Maskara wreaks havoc on the life and career of Jasmine in the series. “JasMine” has a consistently growing online following, particularly in Twitter. For several weeks now, it has been consistently trending, with thousands of tweets from around the world showing how viewers are reacting to the surprising twists and turns in the story as well as on Jasmine’s commendable acting in the suspense-thriller. The hashtag #WhosTheSTALKER and # JasmineURLoved both figured at the No. 1 spot in the top trending list in the Philippines. The hashtag #STALKERKaKung, was No. 2 worldwide and No. 1 in the Philippines, generating over 48,600 tweets and more than 3,000 retweets and staying at the top trending list for 24 hours up.

More and more viewers are definitely getting hooked to “JasMine” as they take to social media in expressing their thoughts on the show and interacting with their fellow viewers around the world. As the story progresses, expect more shocked reactions and wild guesses on the true identity of Maskara. There have been accidents and deaths, and some important characters have been Maskara’s hapless victims. How far will Jasmine’s stalker go in his obsession to have her all for himself? Who will be his next victim? Find out Sundays at 5 PM and 10 PM.