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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Jul 21, 2014

Claudine Barretto Posts Photos Showing Her With Ugly Scars & Welts On Her Thigh

CLAUDINE BARRETTO shocked a lot of people when she showed her photos on Instagram and in “24 Oras”with ugly scars and welts on her thigh. She didn’t say who gave them to her but she said before that she’s a battered wife, which means it’s her ex-husband Raymart Santiago who did it to her.

This is really surprising since very recently, she posted pictures of her and Raymart with their kids looking they’re a happy family again. This made people conclude that things are now doing well between them and the reactions on social media was very favourable to Claudine. But if she’d read the feedback now of netizens on her “black and blue” photos, she’d see that it’s very negative against her. In effect, they say the marks must be self inflicted wounds to just gain the public’s sympathy because she also recently posted photos of her in a swimsuit while swimming with her kids and her thigh was clear and smooth. As they say, the mystery deepens.