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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 26, 2014

Claudine Barretto Finds New Enemy In Niece Danni, Daughter Of Marjorie & Kier Legaspi

CLAUDINE BARRETTO has found another enemy, this time not a sister but her niece, Danielle Barretto or Dani, the eldest daughter of Marjorie (with Kier Legaspi) as the dad. Dani is 20 years old and a fashion blogger who defended her mom and assailed Claudine in her own Twitter account.

Claudine counter-posted: “I don't care about Dani anymore. Ayoko ng mga batang walang utang na loob at bastos. You can hate me on Instagram and on twitter all you want. You don't affect me anymore. She can tweet everything and anything that she wants about me, but at the end of the day, little girl, you don't know anything. Baka lang may amnesia ‘yung bata so never mind. Ang sa akin lang, matutong gumalang sa mas nakakatanda.”

But she reserves her deadliest venom in her latest statements for ex-hubby Raymart Santiago who said he doesn’t love her anymore. “Wala na rin akong respeto sa kanya, kahit konti, kahit bilang ama ng anak ko. Pinakamalaki kong pagsisisi na pinakasalan ko siya, na nakilala ko siya. I hope he burns in hell.”

But Claudine has made amends with Raffy Tulfo for the sake of peace. It’ll be recalled that she and Raymart had a fight with Mon Tulfo at the airport and it was because Raymart just protected her after she accosted a ground attendant for lost luggage. She has also patched things up with Star Cinema and there’s talk there’s a project for her and Judy Ann Santos. But knowing Star Cinema, they now only bank on their younger stars doing rom-coms, which the local moviegoing public prefer watching. A movie with Juday and her would be very iffy.

Juday said she’s willing to do it, but someone should tell her that Claudine’s public image now is very negative because of all her public attacks against a lot of people, especially her sisters and husbands. It seems to backfire on her. Unlike her, Juday has maintained a wholesome and unsullied image. She’s happily married to Ryan Agoncillo, she has good relationship with her Mommy Carol and siblings, she has succeeded in branching out into TV hosting and continues to have so many endorsements. She has really left rival Claudine by leaps and bounds, be it in their careers or personal lives. Let’s see if Claudine could still catch up with her.