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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 25, 2014

Geoff Eigenmann Back From The U.S. But Refuses Interviews About Breakup With Carla Abellana

GEOFF EIGENMANN got back yesterday from his U.S. vacation so the story that he’s going straight to Australia from there to visit Kylie Padilla is not true. Kylie, so rumors say, is his new squeeze after breaking up with Carla Abellana. Kylie herself has revealed on Twitter that she still intends to return to Manila when she gets a new project from GMA, even if her dad Robin Padilla and mom Liesl Sicangco have said that they prefer for her to just stay in Brisbane, Australia.

Some quarters are accusing Carla of using their breakup to help promote her new movie with Tom Rodriguez, “So It’s You”, but we’re told that her guesting in “Startalk” to admit that they’ve called it quits has the blessings of Geoff. Carla is not at odds with Geoff. She informed Geoff about her guesting as they continue to have communication even if they’ve split. “Hindi naman sila naghiwalay na magkaaway,” someone says.

TV reporters are now asking Geoff’s manager, Perry Lansigan, for an interview with him but Perry begged off. “Ayaw ni Geoff,” says Perry. “Basta ang sabi niya, hindi na siya magsasalita, para hindi na lumaki pa. Hindi na lang siya magpapainterbyu. Kung ako nga ang masusunod, okay lang sa akin na magpainterbyu si Geoff para maibigay rin niya ang side niya, pero siya ang may ayaw. So let’s just respect that.”