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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 6, 2014

Anne Curtis figures in 71 Gramercy Bar controversy

ANNE CURTIS figures in yet another controversy. It’s reported that she got drunk in the birthday party of Vice Ganda at the upscale 71 Gramercy Bar in Makati last Monday night and confronted Sam Concepcion, the BF of her younger sister, Jasmine Curtis Smith. Anne reportedly told Sam: “Bakit niloloko mo ang kapatid ko. Why are you here? Who invited you? You’re not even classy enough to be here!”

In her instagram account, Anne quickly denied that she berated Sam. She even posted photos of her with Sam and other guests taken at the said party. She said: "Of course I spoke to Sam that night and as always, I told him to take care of my baby sister. Like any ate would do BUT to clarify I DID NOT say any of those words written in the article. Kahit tanungin nyo pa si Sam. Even he doesn't know where those words came from. Basta. Ang mahalaga Sam and I are ok. End of story, no issue here."

As of now, Anne is busy preparing for her concert at the Big Dome. She says her BF Erwan Heussaff sings well and she’s asking him to be a special guest in her coming “Forbidden Concert: Anne Kapal” but he refused. “Sabi ko, bakit ng mag-concert ang sister niyang si Solenn, nag-guest siya? Tapos ngayon, ayaw niyang mag-guest sa concert ko,” she says. “Sabi ko pa nga, sige na, please, kahit one song lang. Pero maganda ang explanation niya. He said, ‘I want what’s ours to be just ours.’ In other words, ayaw niyang maging showbizy yung relationship namin. Kasi, tatlong na rin kami, and somehow, we’ve managed to keep our privacy. So let it stay that way na lang daw kasi hindi naman siya showbiz. He’s busy managing his four restaurants so hindi ko na lang pinilit.”

Anne’s concert is scheduled on May 16 at the Big Dome. For tickets, call Ticketnet at 911-5555.