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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 10, 2014

Richard Gutierrez Joining Family On Asian Cruise For 'It Takes Gutz To Be A Gutierrez'

RICHARD GUTIERREZ is in a back to work mode after gallivanting in various countries. He has wrapped work for his suspense-thriller, “Overtime”. “11 years naman akong nagtrabaho nang straight so I decided to take a long vacation,” he says. “All the countries I want to visit before but di ko magawa as I’m always working, nabisita ko ngayon. So now that I’ve recharged, ready na ko to work again.”

And he’ll soon be seen in his family’s reality show “It Takes Gutz to be a Gutierrez” that will be shown on E! channel. They’ll all leave on March 15 for the Asian cruise which will be taped to be shown later in their show.

His mom, Annabelle Rama, says: “I’m so happy and proud, hindi ko ini-expect na mapunta ang beauty ko sa international channel. Dream come true ito. E! is also shown sa Channel 57 sa Skycable, Channel 25 sa Cignal at Channel 33 sa Cablelink.”

For its second season, Annabelle, tells daughter Ruffa they should shoot it in Istanbul, Turkey, where Ruffa’s ex husband, Yilmaz Bektas, lives. “Para makita ko ang sampalan nila ni Yilmaz. Di ba, reality show naman ito, e? Sabi ko, maliit na camera lang dadalhin namin kasi baka suntukin tayo. At least, ibang experience rin, ’di ba, Ruffa?”

Going back to Chard, what can he say now that his GF Sarah Lahbati and GMA exec Annette Abrogar have reconciled? “I’m happy na tapos na ang gulo and finally, they forgave each other. Kung anuman ang napagdaanan nila, kung anuman ang mga nasabi, at least, nagkaroon ng forgiveness and we can all move on with our lives. And you know, I’m very happy kasi pinag-usapan din namin ni Sarah na gusto namin, we can start the year on a clean slate, walang problema. Nangyari nga ’yun. Answered prayer, so, I’m very happy.”