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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Dec 7, 2013

Doc Ferds And Doc Nielsen Of 'Born Impact' Help Stray Dogs

DOC FERDS RECIO and Doc Nielsen Donato encounter stray dogs that badly need help in “Born Impact”.

Doc Ferds performs major surgery on an askal that was hit by a car. Because the dog’s hind leg bone broke into two and is already infected, the affected leg needs to be amputated. With the help of two other vets, Doc Ferds does the major surgery, but will the dog still live a functional life after this?

In turn, Doc Nielsen encounters a mixed breed with a papaya-sized tumor in its belly. This dog has been seen roaming around a village and the dog’s grave condition has caught the attention of concerned citizens. Stray dogs are more vulnerable to diseases than pets since they roam free and are more exposed to the street environment where they can acquire diseases from other sick dogs. This Sunday, Doc Ferds and Doc Nielsen shed light on the poor conditions these animals suffer after being abandoned or left in the streets, and show how caring people can help save them. Catch this on “Born Impact”, Sunday, 9:30 am after AHA!