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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Dec 15, 2013

Against All Odds, Here's Wishing The Melai-Jason Marriage Would Be For Keeps

PBB DISCOVERIES Melai Cantiveros and Jason Francisco officially tied the knot last Dec. 9 at the Holy Cross Parish in Calumpang, General Santos City, with Melai already carrying a package. We wish them well now that they’re husband and wife and here’s wishing their marriage will last for a lifetime.

We hate to be a wet blanket but statistics and studies show that a couple who got married just because the girl is already on the family way usually encounter a lot of problems and fall apart after some years. This is true even in showbiz marriages where a couple faced the altar because the girl is already infanticipating. Just try to recall who some of they are. We know you know who we’re referring to. And you’d see there’s really some truth in what we are saying.