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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 2, 2013

Whatever Happened To The Movie Of Richard Gutierrez And Marian Rivera?

WHATEVER HAPPENED to GMA Films’ Richard Gutierrez-Marian Rivera movie, “My Lady Boss”? It was supposed to open in theatres on April 10 but it had to be postponed as “It Takes a Man and a Woman” proved to be a monster hit and Star Cinema wouldn’t want to give up any of the theatres assigned to them.

We’re told GMA Films couldn’t get any other playdate after that. May 1st, a very good playdate as it’s a holiday and April 30 is payday, was given to Regal’s “The Bride and the Lover”. When we asked someone as to when it’ll be re-scheduled, we’re told they don’t know yet. “Baka sa July na.”

We hope GMA Films will realize that the numerous postponements might hurt the movie’s chances of making it good at the box office. As it is, the publicity and the promo for the movie have already been derailed. Nadiskaril. Too bad as the feedback on it after it had its first presscon in early March was very positive. Then, nothing’s been heard of about it later. The more they delay its release, the more it’ll hurt the movie. As one writer observers: “Baka mabantilawan na yan. Kawawa naman sina Richard at Marian.”