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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 14, 2013

Alfred Vargas React Will Do Just One Movie & One Tv Show A Year So He Can Serve Well

ALFRED VARGAS was ignored by a recent award-giving body when he gave an unforgettable performance as Andres Bonifacio in “Supremo”, but he doesn’t mind. “Ganyan talaga,” he says. “Baka sa iba, mapansin naman ako. But I’m glad I was able to do this film and it got so many invitations from various film festivals abroad. We accepted the one in Kuching, Sarawak in Malaysia on March 28 kasi we’ll be in competition. But the others, di ko na tinanggap kasi wala akong time to attend them.”

He only did one TV show last year, “Lorenzo’s Time”. “May ibang offers but I’m prioritizing my job as a public servant. I feel so fulfilled kasi doing medical missions, livelihood, feeding, sports, youth leadership and scholarship programs, iwas droga seminars, tree planting and other activities for my district. I have to sacrifice my acting career. Tama na sa’kin ang one movie and one TV show a year.”

In his first term as councilor, Alfred was named Most Outstanding City Councilor for 2012. An AB Management Ateneo graduate, he’s now taking M.A. in Public Administration in UP in preparation for his bid as congressman of QC District 5 this coming elections.

Alfred is happily to his Fil-Italian wife Yasmine Espiritu who’s from Milan. They have two daughters: Alessandra (2 and ½) and Aryana (1). His dad passed in January 2011. He’s now asking prayers for his mom, Atty. Ching Vargas, who was diagnosed with stage 3 uterine CA. “She’s responding well to chemo but we need all the prayers we can get,” he adds. Let’s help him pray for his mom’s healing.