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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Nov 16, 2012

Angelica Panganiban Assails Derek Ramsay On Twitter But He Won'T Answer Back

ANGELICA PANGANIBAN encouraged her fans to ask her anything on Twitter about her split from Derek Ramsay. She said she’s tired of keeping quiet. “Napagod na kong magtiis.”

Do you still have any communication? “None. Ayoko.” Any regrets you broke up? “None”. Was there a 3rd party? “6th party.” Ikaw ang nakipag-break? “Yup.” Didn’t he tell you he’d move to TV5? “Nope. Nagulat na lang ako nakalipat na siya.”

Some folks say Angel did this to help promote her coming movie with John Lloyd Cruz, “24/7 in Love”, after the indie movie she did, “Mahabang Gabi, Madaling Araw”, flopped dismally at the tills and didn’t even get any rating from the Cinema Evaluation Board as it’s allegedly so bad.

As for Derek, he refuses to answer any of Angel’s allegations. He just said he thought they’ve both moved on, so he’s wondering why the issue between them is being revived.

“The breakup happened a long time ago,” he added. “She has a new relationship and I think the focus should be on that -- and not about what happened to whatever we had. But if that’s how she feels, what can I do?”