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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Nov 8, 2012

Andrew Wolff Chosen By Cory Quirino As Representative To Mr. World Pageant In England

CORY QUIRINO’s Global Quest Inc. now handles both the franchises for both the Miss and Mr. World Pageants. “Three weeks ago, London notified me that they’re also giving me the license for Mr. World and I have to send our country’s representative there by November 9 to join the other 70 candidates for the pageant to be held on November 24 in Kent, England, ni hindi pinabayaran sa’kin,” she says. “With the help of Arnold Vegafria, we asked various talent agencies to nominate their models and we got about 30 portfolios. We got 20 selection judges and everyone chose Andrew Wolff of the Philippine Volcanoes rugby team. Andrew is perfect because their Mr. World candidates are required to be athletic and sporty since 50% of the competition is about athletics. When I told the organizers our representative is a rugby player who just won in Singapore, they got excited as they love rugby there. And of course, it helps that Andrew is 50% British.”

Standing 6’2” and weighing a compact 208 lbs., Andrew’s dad is from England while his mom is from Pinamalayan, Mindoro. He came to Manila when he was 19 and gained notoriety for his tumultuous relationships with women, including Gwen Garci and Ethel Booba. We tell him if he started right in showbiz, he could now give Derek Ramsay a run for his money. “I was young then and inexperienced. I’ve since learned a lot and am definitely wiser,” says the 26-year old Andrew.

He has double citizenship. “But I’m now a resident of the Philippines and my heart surely belongs here. I was actually reluctant to join this as I’ve never joined a male beauty pageant, but when they explained to me that no Filipino has won there and I can bring honor to our country, I was convinced and I now promise to do my best to excel in the competition.”

Unlike the Miss World that’s held every year, Mr. World is held only every other year. “For next year, we’ll have a big search for the Mr. World who’d represent our country in the 2014 pageant,” says Cory. “I won’t stop until our country has won both the Miss and Mr. World titles.”