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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 22, 2012

Maxene Magalona And Renz Fernandez' Romance Has Approval Of Both Their Moms

MAXENE MAGALONA and Renz Fernandez have yet to formally admit that they’re going steady. But they’re very lucky as both of their widowed moms have expressed approval for their relationship. Pia Magalona even attend showbiz gatherings with Max and Renz, saying she has no objections about their friendship as Renz is well bred and courteous. Lorna Tolentino, in turn, is very open in saying she likes Max for her son.

Maxene is humbled by LT’s praises for her. “She’s one of my idols when it comes to acting and she has already achieved so much but she remains so down to earth and napakabait. I never thought I’d be close to her but she’s really such a loving person. I feel so fortunate to have met their family. Tita Lorna did a good job in raising both of her sons well.”

Renz says he and Maxene have a lot of things in common, like both losing their dads to the big C. “Pareho ng pinagdaanan ang families namin kaya there’s a connection between us. I feel so lucky to have met her and her family.”