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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 3, 2012

Hollywood Movie To Watch Out For Soon: The Film Version Of The Musical 'Les Miserables'

WE WERE watching “Hotel Transylvania” with our granddaughter Victoria when a preview of a forthcoming film was shown: Anne Hathaway as Fantine singing “I Dreamed a Dream”. We had goosebumps. Hugh Jackman as Jean Valjean, Russell Crowe as Lt. Javert, Amanda Sefried as Cosette, Eddie Redmayne as Marius, Samantha Bars as Eponine. It’s our first time to see the full trailer of the Hollywood version of the well loved musical, “Les Miserables”, directed by Tom Hooper of “The King’s Speech”. We saw this twice on stage and the last one was in Broadway with my late wife, Victoria. It was the last musical we saw together. Can’t wait to see the full movie to be released in the U.S. on Christmas Day. But since we have the December filmfest then, we can perhaps expect its local release in January 2013.