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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Oct 21, 2012

Derek Ramsay Can Work With Angelica Panganiban Again But Doubts If Abs-Cbn Would Allow Her

DEREK RAMSAY doesn’t take it against ABS-CBN if they told Anne Curtis not to mention his name while promoting “A Secret Affair”. “I’m just disappointed as I treated them like my family. But I respect whatever decision they have. I’m touched that Anne still got to mention me somehow as her secret leading man.”

Obviously, ABS didn’t take it lightly when he moved to TV5. He was even replaced in “The Mistress”. “I didn’t move naman secretly. It was a long process and I never hid it from anyone. I was honest and informed them from Day 1 that I got the offer. I concede naman na I owe them a lot and I wouldn’t be where I am now without their help.”

When he moved, it’s not only his relationship with ABS that suffered but also with Angelica Panganiban. Would he be willing to work with her again? “Of course, there’s no bad blood naman between us. I continue to respect her very much. But I don’t think she’d be allowed to work with me. Besides, we’re both busy with our respective projects now. I’m in ‘Secret Affair’ and I have two new TV5 shows, ‘The Amazing Race Philippines’ and ‘Kidlat’.”

He’s said to be the new king of love triangle movies after “No Other Woman” and now, “A Secret Affair”. “Natiyempo lang but movies like this have been a perennial favorite of viewers, simply because going astray is a part of life so people can relate to this kind of material.”

But even if he’s busy, he admits he’s now seeing another girl who’s not from showbiz. She’s very athletic like him, being a Frisbee and surfing expert. But that’s all that he’ll reveal about her as of now as she’s a very private person.