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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 7, 2011

Mariel Rodriguez considering to convert to muslim faith

DISAPPOINTED BY the Catholic Church’s decision not to allow her and Robin Padilla to wed in church, Mariel Rodriguez is said to be seriously considering converting to the Muslim religion like her husband. “What I appreciate in the Muslim faith is walang pilitan,” she says. “Kasi sa Catholic religion, they want Robin to go back to being a Catholic and for us to raise our kids as Catholics. I feel sad kasi one’s faith should not be a reason for two people not to be together. The Lord told us to love each other, di ba? So dapat, kahit anong faith mo, you should be allowed to exercise it.”

Robin wants Mariel to be a June bride but they still haven’t finalized their wedding plans when June is only a few weeks away from now. Robin is busy taping “Guns and Roses” with Bea Alonzo while Mariel is hosting “Happy Yipee Yehey” daily. Their wedding has already been postponed twice in December and February. Our guess is that it will be postponed once again.