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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 1, 2011

Lovi Poe uses the private plane of Chavit Singson to go to Temptation Island Set

LOVI POE wasn’t with the rest of the cast when we went to Ilocos for the “Temptation Island” shoot last Tuesday. She came the next day, Wednesday, on board the private jetplane owned by her ex-future father in law, Gov. Chavit Singson. She was with her manager, Leo Dominguez, and Leo’s three alalays. She shot only for one day then left again the next day, Thursday, for Manila to tape for “Captain Barbell” where she plays the role of Althea, Richard Gutierrez’ new love interest. Then Friday, she returned to Ilocos again on board the same jetplane to shoot for “Temptation Island” once more.

“That’s the advantage of having your own private plane,” we tell her. “You can go back and forth to Ilocos like it’s just Quiapo or Divisoria.”

“The plane is not mine,” she says. “Sina Mother Lily ang gumawa ng paraan kasi nga I have to alternate between taping ‘Captain Barbell’ and shooting ‘Temptation Island’. I’m just thankful that Gov. Singson lent his plane to us. Dapat nga, kasama ko si Mother sa plane, but she backed out.”

Leo Dominguez says he’s so impressed with the plane. “Feeling ko, I’m in a James Bond movie na may private plane. It’s a 12-seater, very classy, and they even served us breakfast.”

So this confirms the rumor that she and Ronald Singson haven’t really broken up? “Naku, tapos na yan, I just don’t wanna talk about it. Problema ko talaga, schedule ko, kasi this May, I’m also starting the shooting of ‘My Neighbor’s Wife’ with Dennis Trillo as my husband, and with Carla Abellana and Jake Cuenca as our neighbors with whom we exchange partners.”