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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

May 1, 2011

Anne Curtis is the first Filipino to have 1 million followers in Twitter

ANNE CURTIS now has the distinction of being the first Filipino to have a million followers on Twitter. This is what Anne has to say about it: “1 million followers! Wooooow! Thank you to everyone for the follow here on Twitter! Thanks for wanting to follow and read all the nonsense, craziness and random thoughts I like to share! I love Twitter for making it possible for me to have instant communication and feedback from you guys and also a way for me to follow the people I admire! Cheers guys and thank you again for the love and support! Waaaaaah. You all made my day! Love you all!!!”

Anne joined Twitter in March of 2009, one of the first local stars to be on Twitter. The site now has 200 million users. Congrats to Anne. We hope she can translate this to success by tweeting all her followers to watch her primetime show with Jericho Rosales, “Green Rose”, that is not rating very well.