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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 2, 2011

TV5 imposes stricter measurs due to Macho Dancing Boy in Willing Willie

TV5 ISSUED a public apology and official statement about the Willie Revillame brouhaha over macho dancing child Janjan Suan. In effect, they say they’re currently conducting a thorough investigation on what happened led by COO Bobby Barreiro and Chief Legal Counsel Atty. Christine Ona. Pending the results, they prepared stricter guidelines on the appearance and performance of minors, particularly children, on all TV5 programs. They require that all ‘Willing-Willie’ auditions and those of other shows be supervised by TV5 representatives from the TV5 Ombudsman, Atty. Christine Ona, who they appointed to review incidents of this nature. They also imposed a moratorium on the participation of minors in all contests and game shows on TV5 until such time that all the other measures are fully in place. They welcome the hearings of the MTRCB and other bodies as opportunities to thresh out issues and find solutions that will address many concerns that have been expressed as they’re committed to responsible broadcasting.