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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 26, 2011

Shalani Soledad optimistic that Willing Willie will return

SHALANI SOLEDAD is celebrating her 30th birthday today, April 27 (she has the same birthday as TV5 prexy Rey Espinosa), and her supporters feel bad that Willing-Willie is still off the air so she cannot have a special birthday presentation in the show. It was announced then that the show will return on air after Holy Week but this didn’t happen as TV5 is still ironing things out with Willie and they still have to finish their meetings about it. Last we heard, it might come back on Monday, May 2, if everything has been settled between Willie and TV5 execs who reportedly want to impose stricter guidelines on the show to make sure there will be no repeat of the controversial Janjan Suan macho dancing episode that elicited a lot of negative feedback for Willie and TV5 as well.

As for Shalani, she admits missing the show so much. “Kasi we’re doing it daily kaya nasa system ko na yang 5:30 PM, nagpupunta na ko sa TV studio araw-araw,” she says. “Pero habang wala show, I’m devoting all my time to my duties as a councilor. Sa mga nagtatanong, babalik po ang show but we’re just improving it, inaayos pa, to make sure magiging mas maganda ito pagbalik sa ere.”