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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Apr 4, 2011

Dwarfina Highlights March 28 to April 1

March 28 (Monday)

Yna escapes from the cage with Elvin’s help. She proceeds to Lelang Gorya, unfortunately, Romera is waiting for her to get there. Romera does her magic preventing Yna from going back to the kingdom.

Lyndon succeeds in the tasks Lucille left him; because of this Marissa lets him run the company.

Because of Kardo’s condition, Marissa finally agrees to take away the life support. Lelang Gorya finishes the potion that could save Kardo’s life. Will Yna get to the hospital on time to save her father’s life?

March 29 (Tuesday)

Dwarfina revives Kardo using Lelang Gorya’s cure. Kardo recognizes Yna as his daughter, he knows and understands everything that has been happening throughout the duration of his illness. He is eager to tell Marissa all about Selya’s treachery.

Meanwhile, Marissa is filled with grief after Kardo’s ‘death’. Lucille manoeuvres her during this period of weakness, making sure that Marissa depends only on her. Until Marissa learns about the disappearance of Kardo’s body from the hospital. This creates a stir among everyone. Where is Kardo’s dead body?!

Lucille learns of Kardo’s miraculous revival. To protect her own interest, Lucille intercepts Kardo and kidnaps him along with Dwarfina. Lucille reveals herself as his captor, and Kardo cannot believe that his daughter could do such a thing to him!

DUWENDE WORLD: Romera and Hulyano learn that Dwarfina is the savior of the duwende world and that Elvin is out of the punso to find her and bring her back. The new King and Queen cannot allow a revolution to start. Hulyano has Marcial taken to the palace and he is thinking of using him to send a message to the duwendes!

March 30 (Wednesday)
Lucille learns from Kardo that she is an adopted child. She is devastated. Kardo reminds Lucille that they cared for her, loved her, and treated her like their own, but Lucille is deaf to Kardo’s explanation. She wants Kardo dead.

Lucille’s henchmen learn that Kardo’s wife is a rich businesswoman. They decide to make money off the deal. They contact Marissa for ransom and sends her proof that Kardo is alive. Marissa can hardly believe what is happening, but she knows she has to save her husband.

Dwarfina finds a way to escape and seek help for Kardo. She contacts Lyndon and asks for his help. Lyndon is puzzled about Fina’s sudden contact with him but is determined to help the Bustamantes locate Kardo.

EXCHANGE: Marissa brings the ransom money while Lyndon contacts police back-up. The ransom money is given up in exchange for Kardo, but Lucille gives an order to kill him anyway! Lyndon tries to save Kardo from getting shot, but will he get hurt instead?!

March 31 (Thursday)

Dwarfina saves Lyndon from getting shot, scaring the henchman away. Marissa and Lyndon finally learn that Yna is still alive, and she is the housemaid they know as Fina. Marissa is also devastated upon finding out that it was Lucille and Selya who destroyed their family.

Meanwhile, Lucille and Selya escape together as Yna is reunited with her family. Marissa confronts them but the two still manages to escape, with a promise to come back and avenge themselves.

Lyndon cannot believe that Yna has been with them all along as Fina. Lyndon professes his love for his long-lost bestfriend, and Yna admits that she feels the same way. Lyndon decides not to waste another moment – he has been looking for her for a long time and he finally does what he has always wanted to do – Lyndon proposes to Yna!

DUWENDE WORLD: Hulyano and Romera decide on the punishment they must give Marcial – the punishment must send a message to all the other duwendes not to cross the new King and Queen. Elvin has no idea that his father is up for punishment, he is still at the duwende subasta, trying to get him and Duwentukin out of being sold as slaves to cruel masters.


April 1 (Friday)

Elvin finally escapes from the subasta and decides to convince Dwarfina to come with him back to the duwende world. He arrives in time to find Lyndon proposing to Yna and getting rejected. He then talks to Yna, tries to get her to come with him but Yna remembers what Romera’s powers made her believe – that Elvin is lying to him about the chaos in duwende world, he just wants her with him because of Elvin’s feelings for Dwarfina.

Yna finally realizes how much Lyndon loves her, how he’s willing to take any risk just to be with her. Yna finally accepts Lyndon’s proposal. Lucille learns of their upcoming wedding and vows that she will do everything to prevent the two from being happy together.

DUWENDE WORLD: Marcial’s punishment has been decided. Hulyano and Romera present him to all of the duwendes for execution! Umberto tries to find a way to save him but to no avail. Marcial is executed.

Elvin cannot take Dwarfina’s rejection and refusal to help save the duwende world. He decides to take the matter in his own hands – Elvin kidnaps Dwarfina right before her wedding! Dwarfina begs Elvin to let her go, let her be happy in her own new life, and seeing how much it means to Dwarfina, he decides to let her go…