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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 29, 2011

What really happened with Dennis Trillo and Jennylyn Mercado

BECAUSE THE parties directly concerned choose not to talk, it’s but natural that various stories are sprouting about why Dennis Trillo and Jennylyn broke up, all not flattering for both of them. One story says Dennis got violent during a fight and even slapped Jen and tried to strangle. Dennis does not have a history of this sort and even ex-GFs Carlene Aguilar and Cristine Reyes attest to that. So it’s not credible. What’s believable is that he won’t talk. He didn’t talk about his split up from both Carlene and Cristine so we can expect him to keep mum again this time. Another story says Jen is a damaged person, being a battered child whose foster parent beat her up and even put a hot iron on her back, so it’s understandable if she’s manic-depressive and has frequent mood swings that are difficult to put up with. A past boyfriend said there was a time Jen tried to run him over when they were having a fight. This kind of behavior (being bipolar) is hard to treat and needs both medication and psychological therapy. We don’t know if Jen would be willing to go through that. Whoever her boyfriend maybe should treat her with a lot of patience and understanding. Obviously, Dennis is not one such BF. It’s said the guy who did treat her with so patiently was VJ Andrei Dionisio, who was her shoulder to cry on after she parted ways with Patrick Garcia. Their relationship is said to have lasted for two years, until she met Dennis while doing “Gumapang Ka sa Lusak” and suddenly dumped VJ Andrei. Even then, it was predicted that the relationship of Dennis and Jen wouldn’t last. And it became true. Does VJ Andrei now feel vindicated about it?