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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 31, 2011

Showbiz Central rates higher when guesting Marlene Aguilar and Angelica Jones

SINCE ANGELICA JONES’ guest appearance in the Don’t Lie to Me segment of “Showbiz Central” rated so high, they guested another controversial personality in the said portion last Sunday: Marlene Aguilar, the sister of Freddie and mom of Jason Ivler. John Lapus’ first question is if it’s true that she has “tampuhan” up to now with brother Freddie? She said yes and it’s true. She added the conflict started “dahil pinanganak akong mas matalino kay Kuya Freddie. Personal ang dahilan, hindi kami magkaintindihan.” Is it true she mixes acting with her interviews to make herself more sympathetic on TV? She said yes and it’s true again. “You expect me to say no kaya nag-yes ako,” she said. She added that she’s willing to try acting as she studied in the best acting schools in the U.S. Was there ever a time she realized she has her own shortcomings as a mother? She said yes and again, it’s true. In what way? “Tagalog kasi ang tinuro ko kay Jason. E, sa Hawaii, mas maraming Ilokano, so he said dapat Ilokano ang itinuro ko sa kanya.”