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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 8, 2011

Nonito Donaire Jr. wages war against Philippine Media

NONITO DONAIRE JR and wife Rachel are on the warpath again. This time, it’s no longer against Nonito’s parents as they’ve all kissed and made up. They’re lashing on the net at Pinoy sports writers who they accuse of causing the rift between them and their parents. Here’s what Rachel said: “There are certain people in the media who have gotten fame from tearing our family apart and I think that collectively today, after seeing everything that has been out in the media and talking about what has really hurt us, the source is all the same—it's all the media. So, to those people that thought that they’re gonna ruin the family and watch us destroy and burn ourselves, to Chino Trinidad, Recah Trinidad, to Anthony Andales, and to Granville Ampong, you're not gonna destroy the Donaire family. And you better go find another tsismis to go, actually, bring any more hits to your site. Because what you did was unprofessional, it's disgusting, and it's unlike a Filipino."

And this is what Nonito Jr wrote: "Chino, Pinol, n Ampong. Shut up n Leave my family alone: the Donaires and Marcials, esp my wife. Keep talking n you’ll feel what Montiel felt. Oh n btw, Chino, Ampong, n Pinol- Why dont u cm pick a fight with sm1 ur own size huh? ME AND PAPANG also said it was the media. We ALL pointed at U! So back off ."

Clearly, he’s not at all like Manny Pacquiao who has a very good relationship with media people.