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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 25, 2011

Joey Reyes has a new hot talk show on Aksyon TV

WRITER-DIRECTOR Joey Reyes is now also a TV talk show host. Monday to Friday at 10 PM, he’s in “Tayuan Mo at Panindigan” on Aksyon TV Channel 41 (Ch. 29 in Cebu and Davao and Channel 1 in Cignal Cable) with co-hosts Lourd de Veyra and Aida Sy. “The three of us have different personalities and background and we haven’t really met prior to hosting the show,” he says. “But we’re now enjoying it immensely. Our battle cry is ‘Kung may issue, may pagtatalunan, may pag-aawayan. Hindi puede yung walang pakialam, kailangan, tayuan mo at pinandigan. Along with a special guest, we discuss all sorts of topics under the sun, from politics, social climbing, marriage vs. live in, to beauty according to Dr. Belo and what will you do if you’re son is gay.”

Also with them is tourist guide-anti-RH bill activist Carlos Celdran aka Padre Damaso who interviews men on the street about their own views on the topic at hand. Joey is very sensible and articulate so he’s perfect for the job. He has best screenplay awards for “Oro Plata Mata”, “Pahiram ng Isang Umaga”, “Iisa Pa Lamang”, “May Minamahal”, and “Batang PX”. His best director wins are for “Makati Avenue Girls”, “May Minamahal”, “Hindi Kita Malilimutan”, “Minsan May Isang Puso”, “Batang PX”, “Kutob” and “Kasal Kasali Kasalo”. Lourd de Veyra is in TV5’s “Sapul sa Singko” morning show, a well known blogger/columnist, and frointman for the rock band Radioactive Sago Project. A UST journalism graduate, he has also won various Palanca Awards for poetry, essay and teleplay. Aida Sy hosts the radio show “Punto Asintado”, 8 to 10 AM, at Radyo Singko 92.3. A masscom graduate from UST, she’s a single mom with a 22-year old son. She also founded Alay sa Pilipino that gives free legal aid to soldiers and cops who have work-related charges against them.

We asked the three hosts what they like and dislike most in each other. Joey: “Si Lourd, I enjoy his writing, I’m a fan. But I wish he’d fix his hair and have a makeover. Si Aida, I don’t listen to her radio show but I met her during our pictorial and I was told she’s one big hot mama, a cougar. When she goes to the location in her shorts, this creates a disturbance in the male of the species.”

Aida: “I learn a lot of new things from Direk Joey. Si Lourd, wholesome, malalim na tao. My dislike? Nothing.” Lourd: “I’ve been Joey’s fan since time immemorial. In the show, I look forward to his ending statement where he sums up everything. Ang galing niya. But at heart, conservative pala siya. He gets shocked by little girls dancing ala-Sexbomb. Si Aida, she’s very frank, yung di mo masabi, sasabihin niya. Tinanggap ko na siya, warts and all.”