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Mario Bautista, has been with the entertainment industry for more than 4 decades. He writes regular columns for People's Journal and Malaya.

Mar 27, 2011

Dennis Trillo and Jennylyn Mercado break up

WHEN DENNIS TRILLO was last interviewed at the press visit for "Dwarfina", no one had an inkling he had already broken up that time with Jennylyn Mercado. He even expressed his concern for her health after she had an operation removing her tonsils. It turns out the official date of their split up was still March 5. No one would squeal on what are the cause or causes of their separation, except saying that it's a mutual decision due to some irreconcilable differences.

"Sayang nga, hindi man lang sila inabot ng isang taon," says someone who knows them both. "April last year nang officially maging on sila, e March pa lang, break na. Everyone thought okay sila kasi they both accepted each other's being single parents at naging friends ang respective love sons nila. We all thought magtatagal sila, hindi pala."

Is there a third party involved? "None, yung sinasabing nagseselos si Jen kay Heart Evangelista dahil sa closeness nila ni Dennis sa 'Dwarfina', definitely not true kasi everyone knows Heart is head over heels in love ngayon with Daniel Matsunaga." So what's the real reason? "Yun ding same reason why nag-breakup si Jen previously with Mark Herras and later, with Patrick Garcia." Which is? "Basta, yun na yon. No need to elaborate."